Graphic design has been around forever people back in the cave days used images
to communicate. In the caveman days, they used cave drawings to communicate
with each other. Sort of like how we use icons to identify things in the modern day.
Way before computers Before even the printing press everything was done by hand
with every poster before the 1440s. According to Wikipedia a german man named
Jhoannes Gutenberg. He was responsible for the creation of the future of graphic
design as a whole forever changing the way graphic design and art were produced
and to this day some people still use printing presses to get that original look and
feel. Moving forward a bit to the invention of computers (Barfield 2020) claims that
computers were first invented in 1822 but “was not built until 1991” (Barfield 2020).
However, In 1903 an artist named Koloman Moser and his friends Josef Hoffmann
an architect and Fritz Waerndrfer who was a patron. According to Monica Galvan A
Graphic designer and photographer and Ellis and Milakovic, from 99designs.ca claim
these 3 formed a group called the wiener warksatte. The first-ever graphic design
firm. Due to the war going on and the depression that followed shortly after the firm
was closed “Wikipedia”. Even though it no longer is in business it still has an impact
today. Most graphic designers used to create their work by hand on paper which took
much longer because if they needed more than one copy of a design they had to
redo each one over and over again which wasn't convenient, to say the least. then it
does today when adobe was realized in the 1980s it was far from what it is today
there were limited tools you could use and it was as well known. Today there are
hundreds of tools you can use and unlimited possibility all you have to do is come up
with ideas. Now and day graphic design is everywhere we look and anyone can
become a graphic designer if they want to. Unlike in the earlier days when it was way
more difficult who knows where the graphic design world will take us next, we can
only wait and see.
Barfield, Rose. 2020. “Who invented computers?” Bricsys.
Ellis, Matt, Tamara Milakovic, and 99designs.ca. 2018. “A brief history of graphic design -
99designs.” 99Designs.
Galvan, Monica. n.d. “A brief history of graphic design | by Monica Galvan.” UX Collective.
Accessed July 26, 2022.
Wikipedia. n.d. “Printing press.” Wikipedia. Accessed July 26, 2022.